ZBasic IDE Revision History v1.7.5 - 24 Dec 2015 ------------------------- - Fixed a problem with the "ATN Character" spin control in the Serial Options dialog. v1.7.4 - 03 Oct 2015 ------------------------- - Fixed a "hang up" that would occur if the Debug window was clicked during download. v1.7.3 - 11 Sep 2015 ------------------------- - Added support for the ESP8266. v1.7.2 - 11 May 2015 ------------------------- - Added support for the ZA-2560 and ZA-328. v1.7.1 - 14 March 2015 ------------------------- - Added support for using RTS rather than DTR for ATN signalling. v1.7.0 - 26 February 2015 ------------------------- - Added additional frequencies in the target options dialog. - Increased the upper limit of the ATN period in the Serial Options dialog. - Added support for the low-voltage mega1284P devices: ZX-24t, ZX-40t, ZX-44t. v1.6.9 - 12 December 2013 ------------------------- - Added support for the ZX-24u, ZX-128a4u, ATtiny881 devices. v1.6.8 - 05 October 2013 ------------------------- - Fixed the issue where Project|Open wouldn't work until File|Open was invoked. - Added the ability to specify a list of baud rates for the comboboxes in the Serial Options dialog. The properties debug.speed.list and download.speed.list can be used to specify a comma-separated list of baud rates, e.g. download.speed.list=9600,19200,38400 v1.6.7 - 02 October 2013 ------------------------- - Corrected a problem where the download speed wasn't being saved. v1.6.6 - 03 April 2013 ------------------------- - Possible correction for an access violation that occurs when loading the Serial Options dialog when running under Parallels on OS-X. v1.6.5 - 05 February 2013 ------------------------- - Corrected an issue with downloading the object file of a .bas file with no project. - Corrected a problem where the download speed wasn't being used for generic target devices. - Added code to disable the download speed combobox unless a generic target device is selected or speed changing in ATN mode is enabled. v1.6.4 - 28 January 2013 ------------------------- - Added support for new devices. - Added the ability to specify that ATN idles high, useful for devices that do not invert the DTR signal when producing an ATN pulse. - Added a means to specify a download command for a specific device, e.g. command.project.ATmega1280.go If the device-specific command is not present, the generic command is used, e.g. command.project.avr.go v1.6.3 - 20 October 2012 ------------------------- - Fixed an issue with not correctly extracting device parameter information when operating with no project file. v1.6.2 - 09 May 2012 ------------------------- - Added a checkbox on the Target Options dialog to restrict the entries in the RTC Frequency combobox to those that can be realized with zero error. v1.6.1 - 18 April 2012 ------------------------- - Added experimental support for a new ZX device. - Fixed an issue where existing files weren't being closed when a new project was opened (Win7/Vista). Added a new property "project.open.close.files" to control this behavior. On WinXP and earlier, this property gives the initial value of the "Close existing files" checkbox on the Project Open dialog. v1.6.0 - 16 April 2012 ------------------------- - Added support for generic target devices. v1.5.13 - 26 March 2012 ------------------------- - Corrected a problem with resetting the device using an ATN character. v1.5.12 - 22 December 2011 ------------------------- - Changed to use a single file, having a "properties file" format to store the current project, recently used projects and recently used files. Previously, these items were stored in separate files (SciTE.ses, SciTE.recent and SciTE.recentProj) located in the IDE subdirectory of the ZBasic installation directory (except on Vista/Win7 where the OS intervened and created them in the "virtual store" directory named something like c:\users\\appdata\local\virtualstore\Program Files\ZBasic\IDE). The new combined file is stored in the logged-in user directory (e.g. C:\Documents and Settings\ ) with the name SciTE.session. The first time that the updated IDE is run a new-format file will be generated from existing old-format files if they exist. N.B.: this version does *not* include the unique features contained in the special v1.5.10 and v1.5.11 releases. If you are using either of those versions you should not upgrade to v1.5.12. v1.5.11 - 10 September 2011 ------------------------- - Modified the Target Options and Edit Targets dialogs so they are always fully exposed. - Modified the Edit Target dialog for better granularity among the mega devices. - Now suppressing the display of generic target devices in the Edit Targets dialog if there is not valid license. - Added radio buttons to the Target Options dialog to control the form of the generated device parameters directives. v1.5.10 - 10 September 2011 ------------------------- - Updated for building for generic target devices. v1.5.9 - 24 July 2011 ------------------------- - Corrected a problem in the "Edit Targets" dialog. v1.5.7 - 22 March 2011 ------------------------- - Corrected a problem with the Project|Open dialog on Win7/Vista. v1.5.6 - 05 March 2011 ------------------------- - Minor internal changes. v1.5.5 - 27 January 2011 ------------------------- - Made changes to the protocol timing for DTR-less downloading. v1.5.4 - 12 October 2010 ------------------------- - Added support for new Oak Micros devices. v1.5.3 - 09 July 2010 ------------------------- - Added support for xmega-based ZX devices. v1.5.2 - 08 March 2010 ------------------------- - A small change was made in an attempt to correct a reported problem (which we, so far, cannot reproduce) where a code change followed by download fails to trigger a rebuild before the download. v1.5.1 - 21 February 2010 ------------------------- - Added support for a User Properties option to control RTS: debug.port.rts.mode v1.5.0 - 01 February 2010 ------------------------- - Added entries to zbasic.api for new procedures. - Added code to flush the log file to disk after writing an EOL. v1.4.16 - 01 December 2009 ------------------------- - Added support for halting/restarting the device and for logging debug output. v1.4.14 - 16 June 2009 ------------------------- - Added support for the ZX-328nu. - Fixed a problem where the userProperties: command line switch was not effectively utilizing the specified properties. v1.4.11 - 08 April 2009 ------------------------- - Added the ability to edit the list of target devices displayed on the target device combobox on the Device Options dialog. By default, only a few ZX devices are now shown; others can be added as desired. v1.4.10 - 05 January 2009 ------------------------- - Added support for the ZX-328n. v1.4.9 - 05 December 2008 ------------------------- - Modified the code that processes the device identification string to avoid a potential problem. v1.4.8 - 19 November 2008 ------------------------- - Modified the downloading sequence so that DTR-less downloading can be accomplished when the device comm speed is initially different from 19.2K. - Added an item to the Options menu to auto-select the connected device. v1.4.6 - 12 October 2008 ------------------------- - Updated the ZBasic API file. - Added a configuration option for maximum line length in the output window. debug.line.length.limit v1.4.5 - 10 September 2008 ------------------------- - Updated the ZBasic API file. v1.4.4 - 04 July 2008 ------------------------- - Modified the Serial Options dialog to show which COM port will be closed when the Open/Close buttons are clicked. - Modified the Serial Options dialog to avoid re-opening the current serial port when the OK button is pressed after the port is closed. - Fixed a problem in the Device Options dialog where the page size combo box didn't get set correctly when the device was identified. v1.4.3 - 18 June 2008 ------------------------- - Added a checkbox on the Project|New dialog for creating object libraries. - Added the ability to specify comm port configuration using port.config.N in the Properties file. The configuration defaults to "N,8,1". - Updated the ZBasic API file. - Corrected some problems with enabling controls in the Device Options dialog. v1.4.2 - 08 April 2008 ------------------------- - Added an entry to the Options menu to load the project file. - Modified to ignore the ATN character setting when performing emergency updates. v1.4.1 - 10 March 2008 ------------------------- - Added support for native mode devices. - Added support for DTR-less downloading using the ATN character. - Added items on the Help menu to select PDF or HTML help formats. - Added support for default compiler options when compiling projects and individual files, for example: ZBasicProjOpts=--version --warn=warnings ZBasicOpts=--version - Corrected a problem with COM ports 10 and higher. - Corrected a multi-threading issue that caused access violations and/or "freezing" on some systems during downloading. v1.2.3 - 22 February 2007 ------------------------ - Added the ability to specify a listing file in the project properties. - Added support for the ZX-1281, ZX-128e and ZX-1281e. - Updated zbasic.api. v1.2.1 - 21 January 2007 ------------------------ - Updated zbasic.api. - Fixed a problem with reading the program size and CRC. v1.2.0 - 16 October 2006 ------------------------ - Reworked some of the dialogs. The serial port options were moved from the Device Options dialog to a separate dialog. The firmware update and EEPROM configuration options were added to the Device Options dialog along with the ability to select the target device. - Added support for Oak Micros' ZX-based devices. - Added code to process the target CPU record added to the .zxb file by the compiler. This allows detection of a mismatch between the target for which the code was compiled and the connected device. - Fixed a problem in the firmware update integrity checking code that would incorrectly report a problem in update files for the mega644-based devices. v1.1.2 - 21 August 2006 ------------------------ - Improved the update file integrity check to detect additional types of corruption. - Updated the API file for newly added routines, registers, etc. v1.1.1 - 11 May 2006 ------------------------ - Made improvements to the firmware update process, particularly retrying transmission. - Added the ability to skip warnings in the compiler output with next.message.ignore.warnings=1. - Added safeguards to ensure that the comm port won't be closed while a download or firmware update is underway. - Modified the search/replace history comboboxes to allow more recent entries to be seen. - Added higher comm speeds in the Device Options dialog. v1.1.0 - 04 May 2006 ------------------------ - Added menu items for resetting the device and requesting the firmware version and other information from the attached device. - Updated the API file for newly added routines and optional parameters. - Improved the line-limiting code for the debug window to avoid the erratic positioning. - Modified the save process to optionally check the filetime of the existing first. This allows detection of file changes by other entities (e.g. another workstation on a network) and prevents inadvertent overwriting of other changes. - Added code to reload changed files after a project compilation. This allows for proper error tracking in cases where another agent modifies the files without the IDE losing focus. - Added code to disable the Compile and Go options on the Tools menu if a project is loaded. - Turned off sorting in the Project Properties files listbox so the modules appear in the same order that they exist in the project file. - Modified command line processing to skip over an option/switch before processing quotes. This allows -project:"path" to work instead of requiring "-project:path". - Modified the firmware update dialog to allow setting the EEPROM configuration. Added an EEPROM configuration dialog. - Added options for serial port management, menu entries for opening/closing the port. - Added an entry to the Help menu for SysLib help. - Added the compiler version number to the About box. v1.0.4 - 23 February 2006 ------------------------ - Added the ability to compile a project before downloading it if files have been modified. - Updated the API file, adding new Register entries. v1.0.3 - 25 January 2006 ------------------------ - Updated bas.properties to correct a keyword highlighting problem. v1.0.2 - 20 January 2006 ------------------------ - Updated the downloader to handle firmware version check records. - Updated the API file and the keywords in bas.properties. - Added alternate code to enumerate serial ports for non-NT Windows versions. v1.0.1 - 13 December 2005 ------------------------ - Updated the API file. v1.0.0 - 18 November 2005 ------------------------- - First public release.