
ZX-32l Microcontroller

ZX-32l Microcontroller
The ZX-32l is a lower-speed version of the ZX-32n that can run at supply voltages as low as 2.75 volts. Like the ZX-32n, it is a low cost "native mode" ZX device intended for OEM applications that require a smaller surface mount component. The heart of the ZX-32l is the 32-pin TQFP Atmel AVR ATmega328P microcontroller running at 7.37MHz which provides 2048 bytes of RAM and 992 bytes of EEPROM available for your programs. The 32K byte internal Flash memory of the mega328P is partially occupied by special serial downloader firmware leaving 30K bytes of Flash memory for your application. Like the ZX-32n, it also offers two additional analog inputs as compared to the ZX-328n or ZX-328l.

The mega328P has other resources available to your program including a high-speed serial port, analog-to-digital converters, timers and other sub-systems that may be accessed using routines in the ZBasic System Library. Alternately, some of these resources may be accessed directly using built-in registers.

To use the ZX-32l you'll need a regulated voltage source (2.75 to 5.5VDC), a 7.3728MHz crystal and a few additional interface components. You may download a schematic with suggested support circuitry for the ZX-32l (identical to that for the ZX-32n except for the different crystal frequency) as a PDF or as an ExpressPCB .sch file. To view the latter, you'll have to download free software from ExpressPCB.

ZX-32l Technical Features
Package 32-pin TQFP
Operating Temperature -40 to +85°C
Processor Atmel AVR ATmega328P
Power Requirements 2.75 to 5.5VDC regulated at 200mA
Processor Speed Up to 7.3MIPS (7.37MHz)
Program Execution Speed Up to 1.4 million instructions/sec¹
User RAM 2K bytes
Non-volatile Data Memory 992 bytes
Program Memory 30K bytes
Digital I/O pins 18+2²
Analog-to-Digital Channels Up to 8 channels, 10-bit resolution
I2C Support 1 HW channel, 4 SW channels
PWM Channels Two 16-bit, two 8-bit
1-Wire Support Bit and byte level
SPI Support 4 HW channels
Synchronous Serial I/O Support 1-16 bits, MSB or LSB first
Asynchronous Serial I/O Ports 1-HW, up to 4 SW full duplex
X-10 Command Support Yes
Multi-tasking Support Yes
External Interrupts 2
Pin Change Interrupts All Digital I/O lines
Analog Comparator Interrupt Yes
Interval Timer Yes
Exception Handling Support Yes
Floating Point Math Yes - IEEE 32-bit
Advanced Floating Point Functions (sin, cos, log, etc.) Yes
Programming Interface Serial - 115.2K baud
Field Upgradeable System Software No
Supports Inline Assembly Code Yes
Supports Interrupt Handling Code Yes
  1) Speed based on the instruction b = b + 1.
  2) The additional 2 I/O lines are dedicated for serial I/O.
  Specifications subject to correction and change without notice.

A standard serial port is required to download code to the ZX-32l. If your computer does not have a standard 9-pin serial port but does have a USB port, you may use a USB to serial adapter. Note, however, that some USB to serial adapters are too slow to be useful with the ZX microcontrollers. We have found that adapters based on the second generation FTDI chips seem to work well.

The ZBasic IDE, compiler and documentation may be obtained free of charge via the Download page. See the menu at the left.

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